social media tips

Showcasing Your Voice Through Social Media.

Showcasing Your Voice Through Social Media.

Social media is meant to be space for connecting with your community and having fun with it. When was the last time you really had fun with your social media? That’s where we begin our journey, again.

Partner up!

Partner up!

You’ve heard of social media influencers, right? Did you ever wonder how they became “influencers” and why their followage is so high? They partner with companies!

So, who says that companies can’t do the same with each other? I am going to give you a few ideas on how you can partner up and grow your following through partnering with others.

Bringing Out Your Inner Chameleon

Bringing Out Your Inner Chameleon

We have been pivoting over the last six months, trying to find our footing with everything going on between the pandemic and politics. There are several things that, fingers crossed, will change over time, but, in the meantime, we must, also, rise to the occasion and change our perspective.

Why Your Why is Important for Branding

Why Your Why is Important for Branding

Branding is one aspect of your company that is crucial to your image. If you don’t have branding laid out for what you do, there is a good chance that not a lot of people know about what you do or how you can be of service to their life and/or business.

How can I market when we're facing uncertainty?

How can I market when we're facing uncertainty?

The best part about the uncertainty is that you can go in any direction that you want to. Whether that’s creating a whole online market place or doing webinars on a weekly basis, you can do anything that you set your mind to in the digital space. The internet is the limit!

Resources? I Like Resources!

Resources? I Like Resources!

Sometimes, we need a little kick for some forward motion. So, to get you back into the groove of things, I’m sharing some of my little secrets for efficiency and affordability.

The Best Spotlight.

Do you understand the power to creating your image and brand that you have just by utilizing social media? We couldn’t be in a better place in our digital age than right now to promote business, charity, and more.

With just the Australian Bush Fires alone, there are social media influencers using their power for good to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to help funding for supplies to help those effected. It’s amazing the power social media has the potential to have. However, we must use these powers for good.

With that being said, I will tell you three of the most important things to remember while you’re using social media:

  1. Honesty is the best policy

    When you’re promoting your brand, image, and business in the digital space, remember to be 100% honest with your audience. Those little white lies will always come around to bite you when you’re not. There are people in your audience that will leave a comment or review to bring you down. Just like we learned in Kindergarten, honesty is the best policy.

  2. Be a digital humanitarian

    If there is a cause that you are passionate about, do your best to weave in promoting it to your every day social media. Your audience IS interested to know what you stand for or what you support. It can be a lot like politics in that way, but when your audience can identify with your values, they are more likely to trust you and your product.

  3. Keep it light. Keep it organic.

    There is a lot to be said about organic reach vs paid reach. In my experience, you can definitely get a lot of reach to new audiences through paid advertising, however, there is something to be said when it comes to organic posting. Those organic posts are so important to have as a base when you’re, also, doing paid advertising. They will, also, show your audience that you are the real deal and you care about your lifestyle, environment, and more. Keep it light, relatable, and organic as much as possible.

With great power comes great responsibility. Utilize the best spotlight that you can have to promote yourself and your business in a positive fashion. Your brand is awesome! Give it the recognition it deserves.