business resources

2020: The Biggest Digital Breakthrough

2020: The Biggest Digital Breakthrough

This pandemic changed how we did business and we’ll see how much of that change stays but we at least know now that for a business to thrive, a digital presence is 100% necessary. Life through us a curveball and all of those who took the time and took initiative in making sure they were visible were the real pioneers.

Why Your Why is Important for Branding

Why Your Why is Important for Branding

Branding is one aspect of your company that is crucial to your image. If you don’t have branding laid out for what you do, there is a good chance that not a lot of people know about what you do or how you can be of service to their life and/or business.

Resources? I Like Resources!

Resources? I Like Resources!

Sometimes, we need a little kick for some forward motion. So, to get you back into the groove of things, I’m sharing some of my little secrets for efficiency and affordability.